Friday, July 24, 2009

This Week:

Monday: We listened to a woman who talked about the advantages of Twitter. She explained how to use it and how to get people to follow us, and how to draw attention to our blog. We also got to mess around with google sketch up. We made models of either our bedroom, dream bedroom, or dream house. It was fun, and we'd like to work with sketch up again.
Tuesday: We took the R6 to Wissahickon and Kevin took us on a tour through the park. We walked up the trail, while Kevin explained how the park was eroding.
Wednesday: We watched a movie called When the Levees Broke. It was about hurricane Katrina and its devastating effects on the city of New Orleans. It was sad to see how so many people died because the government hadn't taken immediate action to help the victims of the "natural" disaster.
Thursday: We took another trip to the Wissahickon Park and walked down Kelly Drive. Dr. Masucci, Sadie and Lily toured us through the park pointing out several things that could be improved to make the park be more accessible to the parks users.